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Microsoft Excel Topics

Videos, step-by-step instructions, and downloadable files and templates to help you become better at using Microsoft Excel. These training resources were developed after years of classroom experience and use by Luther Maddy Ph.D, a Microsoft Office Master Instructor. Select a topic from the list below:

Note: These lessons are excerpted from Luther Maddy’s Excel Workbooks (C) 2024 which are available in printed or eBook format from

Microsoft Ecel: Time Saving shortcut keys

Luther's Excel Lessons YouTube playlist

Excel Basics Training - Step-by-step instructions and training videos
Intoduction and Basic Formula Creation
Moving and Copying Data and Formulas
Introduction to Functions and Absolute Reference
Formatting Cells and Worksheets
Enhancing Cells and Worksheets
Worksheet printing features
Creating Basic Charts and Graphs
Excel Intermediate Training- Step-by-step instructions and training videos
Creating and using Multiple Worksheets
Complete Lesson on using Excel Functions
Creating a Loan Amortization Schedule
Using the If function
Intermediate Charting Features
Useful features: Freeze panes, Outlining, Data Validation, and Comments
Excel Database & Statistical Features Training
Creating and using Pivot Tables
Using Filters and Subtotals
Using Database Functions
Using Goal Seek
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