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Statistical Methods Topics

Introduction & Terminology

This lesson covers definitions, variable types, measurement scales, and the difference between qualitative and quantitative variables.

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Descriptive Statiatics - Frequencies

This chapter covers creating frequency distributions including categorical data, relative and cumulative frequencies. It also explains how to determine the number of classes and the interval for creating frequency distributions from large datasets with continuous variables.

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Descriptive Statiatics - Numerical Methods

This chapter This lesson continues with descriptive statistics and introduces the mean for populations and samples. It also discusses locating the median for datasets with an even and odd number of observations. It also discusses finding the mode and dataset with more than one mode. It covers measures of dispersion including the Range, Population and Sample Variance, Population and Sample Standard Deviation, and the Empirical Rule.

Percentiles, Skewness, & Correlation

This chapter covers finding the location and values for percentiles, skewness, and determining correlations with a scatterplot.

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Lemonade Sales Scatterplot

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Probability Concepts

This chapter explains probability terminology and discusses how to compute probability for dependent and independent events as well as conditional probability. It also explains the use of the Combination and Permutation formulas.

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Discrete Probability Distributions

This chapter covers creating and using discrete, binomial, and Poisson probability distributions. It also covers computing the mean and variance and uses simple examples to explain these concepts..

Uniform Probability Distributions

This chapter covers computing the mean of a uniform continuous distribution. It also covers computing Z scores and locating the area under the curve that equates to the area for the z score.

Sampling & Sampling Distributions of the Sample Mean

This chapter covers simple random sampling, systematic random sampling, sampling error, sampling distribution of the sample mean, the central limit theorem, and computing a z score from a sample mean.

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Student GPA Sampling Distribution

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Point Estimates & Confidence Intervals

This Chapter 9 covers Point Estimates, Confidence intervals and shows how to compute a margin of error using both z and t scores. It also discusses how to determine the correct sample size

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Hypothesis Testing - One Sample

This chapter introduces the 5-step hypothesis testing procedure that can be used with many test statistics. Specifically, this chapter covers Z and T.

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Student Loan Debt

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Hypothesis Testing - Two Sample

This chapter uses the 5-step hypothesis testing procedure for two samples or proportions.

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ANOVA - Analysis of Variance

This chapter explains the ANOVA computation with two or more variances.

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Patient Discharge Times ANOVA table

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Correlation & Linear Regression

This chapter explains computing the Correlation Coefficient, dependent and independent variables and performing linear regression manually and with Excel.

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Lemonade Sales

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Goodness of Fit

This chapter explains computing the goodness of fit for equal and unequal frequency distributions.

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